GP certification standards
1. Purpose The purpose of this standard is to make the parts and raw materials suppliers to Sony's environmental standards, according to GM-2005】 【• SS-00259, for Sony related material required by the environment, the establishment of viable management system; and to have on the parts for proper evaluation, and maintenance management of suppliers identified as Green Partner Environmental Quality Company, to ensure that Sony's products, related substances on the environment to ensure the work.
2. Scope Apply to the Sony Corporation and Sony Corporation and related companies to pay the required mass production (including raw materials constitute the parts) and parts, combined parts and composition of raw materials suppliers.
3. Units identified In principle, to the factory unit.
4. Environmental Quality Standards, Must meet the following matters: 4-1. According to "Environmental quality assurance system Evaluation Form" to check, scores above 80 points, and an important item in the evaluation form is no defect. 4-2.6 months or less, in mass production and identify the review, by Sony's confirmation and determination of non-NG situation. If within 6 months did not meet requirements, you can use the audit supplier when replacement data. 4-3. Prohibited substances in the environment without the use of cadmium and cadmium compounds.
5. Audit suppliers who OMV are required to have ISO-14001 internal auditor qualification, or higher recommended, highly specialized treatment center quality assurance consultant Environmental Quality Department inspector refresher training of personnel.
6. Review will 6-1. Review the composition (1) The chairman of the Centre for Quality Assurance consultant specializing in omnibus Minister of the Department of (2) members of the Advisory Centre to deal specifically with members of the Department of Quality Assurance (3) Service nominated by the chairman Review will be held only in the Sony Corporation, the identification of foreign suppliers need to work around the application to the Corporation to determine whether identified. 6-2 Review Committee meeting In principle, we convened by the chairman to convene a review meeting every month for new customers • to • review the cancellation of such content. 6-3. Application Information According to the following for information on new finds in the review meeting. (1) New Application Form (Annex -1) (2) "Evaluation of environmental quality assurance system table" test results (3) the environmental quality of the actual performance 6-4. Determined whether the application of environmental quality According to the review will be composed of members of the consent, quality assurance by the Minister to decide whether environmental quality can be recognized as applicable to the company.
7. The approval of Environmental Quality identified In the review of the environmental quality will be determined through application of the reserve company should fill out the "Green Partner Environmental Quality finds that for the application" (Table -2), and submitted to the consultant center devoted to the responsible person approved by a responsible person identified.
8. Environmental quality procedures identified 8-1. Environmental Quality finds Signed the "Agreement on the identified environmental quality." 8-2. Notice of Environmental Quality identified for the release Agreement signed by Le identification of recognized environmental quality suppliers, quality assurance by the Services Board to the Minister within the company on behalf of the relevant departments and related companies granted a registration number issued the "Green Partner Environmental Quality finds Shiyong notice" (with Table -3). 8-3. Found evidence of issue To deal specifically with consultants on behalf of the Center for distribution to the Certificate of identified suppliers. 8-4. Deemed valid Validity of self-identified months to 2 years after the beginning of the same until last month.
9. Mass-produced products on the delivery into the plant inspection is omitted 9-1. Found on the company from the (factory) are mass-produced products to pay, in the requirements on the factory inspection, evaluation of environmental substances, the number of parts from each batch of 5 batches in order to conduct a second switch from the factory to check to 3 months to 1 supplier for the identification of 1 unit into the factory inspection. * Refers to the so-called order batches a week for the time of order. (Each component to a week to order a batch number) 9-2. New / change to be implemented when the first check into the plant.
10. Environmental Quality finds that the continuation of According to the results of periodic evaluation by the review will be the review of quality assurance by the Minister for approval of the Department of Environmental Quality determined whether to continue. 10-1. Periodic evaluation In principle, the Sony Green Partner Environmental Quality determined according to the company's quality system for the quality of the actual accomplishments • Every two years, a regular evaluation of the implementation. Update found when the corresponding system suppliers to implement environmental quality evaluation, and the environment to be identified to meet the four conditions apply.
10-2. Continue to review Review Council "Green Partner Environmental Quality determined to continue to review the information" be reviewed, according to quality assurance the Minister's decision to determine whether to continue the review. 10-3. Check omitted To regularly check the base point, if in the past 6 months did not deliver, you can omit to check.
11. Identified during the Determined period of 2 years, as long as no cancellation is automatically continued.
12. • abolishing the standard to correct 12-1. Determined every 2 years after the implementation of a regular inspection, examination found that if less than the standard, should review the report, according to review the implementation of the resolution will be corrected or eliminated. 12-2. Evaluation or review of products mass-produced products, if found defective products, related departments should immediately confirm the actual situation, search for reasons, the results will be reported to the review, then the resolution will be under review the implementation of corrective or canceled. 12-3. As with the "basic contract", "quality assurance memorandum", "Environmental Quality finds that agreement," the terms of the conflict, unable to take corrective measures when the situation. 12-4. Lifting of the "basic contract" when the situation. 12-5. Items found in front of 10-3, omit regular check, will apply to the review, to decide whether to continue.
13. "Green Partner Environmental Quality determined that" the issue of cancellation notice Is determined to abolish the identification of environmental quality for the company issuing the "Green Partner Environmental Quality finds that cancellation notice" (Schedule -4) from the supplier.
14. "Green Partner Environmental Quality determined that" the lifting of the contract On Environmental Quality has lifted identified suppliers, to lift him, "Environmental Quality found Agreement" contract.
15. "Green Partner Environmental Quality determined that" the re-signing Green Partner Environmental Quality identified on re-signing, according to the four identified environmental quality standards for evaluation.
16. Record keeping Record keeping as follows:
No. Name the custody of the custody time limit (1) New application (Including environmental quality assurance organization chart) Service 3 years (2) "Environmental quality assurance system Evaluation Form" new • update Affairs 6 years (3) "Green Partner Environmental Quality finds that for the application," Determining Service (4) "Green Partner Environmental Quality determined to continue to review the information," Service 3 years (5) "to improve the power of attorney" and "improve the report," and Distributor Service 3 years (6) "Green Partner Environmental Quality finds that implementation of the notice" Service 3 years (7) "Green Partner Environmental Quality finds that notice of cancellation of quality accreditation," Service 3 years (8) Review results of the review meeting Affairs 3 years
17. Supplementary information (1) Green Partner Environmental Quality determined that the new procedure flow chart of the light environment (Table -5). (2) to continue / correct procedures for handling and removing reference to another paper flow chart (Table -6).
18. The development and implementation • revised the years on (1) The development of standards and revised the draft by the Quality Assurance Department, consultants from the Center for specialized treatment to approval. (2) the standard since July 8, 2002 which came into effect.